Sheridan at Enjoybirth is doing two giveaways on her blog. One is for birth workers and one is for moms. (Since I am both, I'm entering both giveaways).
For Moms: Tag*a*Long Giveaway
The Tag*a*Long is a handle you can attach to a stroller for a child to hold on to while you push the stroller. I think this is a great idea. We don't own a double stroller because when my son was smaller, I'd wear him in my wrap and my daughter would ride in the stroller. Now that they are bigger, I like to put my son in the stroller and have my daughter walk, but she needs something to hold on to so she doesn't wander and the Tag*a*Long would be perfect because if she holds onto the stroller itself she is in my way.
For Birth Workers: $25 Injoy Gift Certificate Giveaway
Injoy supplies birth and parenting educational materials, including videos and web-enhanced booklets. Many of the materials would be a great supplement to any childbirth education program or could be used as an informative resource for doulas or for healthcare providers.
If you are interested in either giveaway, check them out today!