Friday, September 30, 2011

Pregnancy Update: 29 weeks!

I haven't been keeping you posted on my pregnancy! This pregnancy is going by SO fast! It has been a bit tough for me, emotionally. I have been a bit overwhelmed about the idea of three children so close together (my oldest will turn 4 about 2 months after this baby will be born) and have just felt out-of-balance and at times, overwhelmed. I am feeling better lately, though.

I had a midwife appointment today. I am 29 weeks, 5 days. We did a blood draw for my glucose screening and a CBC, mostly to see how my iron levels are doing. The midwife I saw today said she prefers to do the version of the test that uses a meal, rather than the glucoa drink, so that's what we did. I considered choosing not to do the test at all because I have easily passed the screen with my other two pregnancies, I am not overweight, never gain excessive weight in pregnancy (I'm only up about 17 lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight so far), my babies have been average-sized (7 lbs 3 oz and 7 lbs 10 oz), etc. But I decided, considering the risks of GD and the fact that I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2007 before we conceived our first, it was better to just do it, and I wanted my iron checked anyway.

My fundal height was 28 cm (It was 20 cm at my 19 w 5 d appointment and 26 cm at my 24 w 5 d appointment). The baby is positioned oblique right now (I had pretty much determined that by where I've been feeling kicks), and that probably has something to do with the slightly lower fundal height measurement. Heart-tones were in the 130s. I have gained one pound per week since my last appointment, so weight gain is going fine. No sugar or protein in my urine. (I love that I get a copy of all of the numbers so I can refer to them later!) .

My midwife recommended a great website, The World's Healthiest Foods. They have a page with a list of nutrients where you can click on each nutrient and it will take you to a list of the foods that are highest in that nutrient. Pretty cool.

Went to the health foods store after my appointment and picked up a liquid whole food vitamin, some probiotic capsules (been having issues with vaginal yeast), almonds (to eat when I have heartburn), and some nettle and red raspberry leaves for my herbal pregnancy tea that I have just started drinking daily.

The fact that this baby is going to be born hardly feels real. I better start adjusting to the idea, because I don't have much time. I am teaching my first Hypnobabies class starting next Tuesday, and am planning on doing all of the homework along with my first student to prepare for my own birth--maybe that will help it feel real for me!

I haven't been taking belly pictures, maybe sometime soon when my husband is home, I'll get him to take one and I can post it!


  1. I love the World Healthiest Foods website-it's so interesting.

    So glad your pregnancy is going well. I agreed to the GD test because my sister has diabetes so I am at higher risk for it even though I'm small and wasn't gaining too much weight. It's such a yucky test. Made me so sick.

  2. I've been having a lot of problems with yeast this pregnancy too, and the thing that has helped the most is melaleuca oil. If it's really bad I'll dab it directly on the area, but most mornings I just dab a little on a very thin panty liner and wear it. I'm amazed how well it has worked.

    I'm glad your pregnancy is going well, keep up the good work!

